Saturday, July 19, 2008

Circle of Life

Hello Friends!!

What an exciting day. We just finished our Safari and had an incredible time! Highlights for me are being out of the van include
1. Being 25-30 ft away from a HUGE elephant for at least 20 minutes while it took a mud bath. Oh my word...I can't tell you how awesome it was! Thanks Jesus. :)
2. Seeing 5 Cheetah with a kill. Little far off for good pics, but still amazing!!
3. Starting down a Rhino out of my window ten feet away...little scary!!
4. Taking a picture of Heather Reynolds (founder of GGA) with Pink Jesus, our team mascot. (

Now for a full team update. But first, a disclaimer. I just glanced at my old posts and caught at least 4 grammatical and spelling errors. Please forgive me for those, I can't spell and I don't have the time or the rem sleep to proof these before I post them.

Team: Melissa and Katy are here and safe and fantastic!! WHEW what a difference two people make in a team of 8 total. Just seemed to make thigs click. Their energy and excitement really has poured over into me and most of the rest of the team. So things are good! We have a very eclectic group all around and it has been interesting to see the dynamics. So much to learn from each other.

Work: We finally did some! WHEW. We've laid a major (at least 10 inches!) concrete sidewalk around the pre-school front and sides this week as well as helping with the food drops in the valleys on Monday and Tuesday. We have to at least finish that sidewalk or there will be some major frustrations!

Coming Attractions: This coming week we are going to get to visit families in the valley with the volunteer in charge of the Child Sponsorship program. Prayers that our eyes would see what the Lord sees, our hearts would feel what His feel, and that in the midst of that our Hope would come from His Love and Grace. Also, please pray for our relationship with Charlie, the volunteer. Charlie is an aethiest a really bitter about life. We have a few things going for us in his eyes, mainly that we aren't so "disgustingly nice" like most Christians. Compliment??? Mmmmm. He is hysterical and makes my heart hurt at the same time.

Next weekend if the weather is nice we get to take the kids to the beach to have one last good time with them! I'm excited about that.

In other news: My Daddy says I'm worth 20 cows :).

*I've got a case of the RV again (Rondoval Virus aka, allergies to the thatched roof)
*Work- productivity and feelings of purpose and accomplishment
*Attitude- that team members would have a positive attitude about being here and trust in the fact that even in the midst of frustrations with how GGA is run or work not going like we 'planned' that God IS working. Maybe not even inspite of those things, but in them.
*Safety- another national strike next wednesday.

Diana and Taylor feel better woo!
We saw elephantswoo!
Melissa and Katy are here woo!
God is moving. Double woo woo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Julie - I love and miss you (independent of your adventures in Africa).

Did something happen with Pietre?

Love, love, love.